Feb 20Liked by Shane Trotter

Shane—many times I feel that you are reading my thoughts. I am blown away that the government is more concerned about cigarettes than fentanyl, soft drinks than smartphone-social media. But I realize like Pharma ‘informed consent’ we are on our own. Truth is that there is no better method of indoctrination and neutralization—for purposes of control—especially with young people, than the smartphone. What a blessing it was that we did not grow up with a tablet or smartphone in our hand as soon as we could walk. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you very much for this kind comment! It is frustrating, yet liberating to recognize that no one is swooping in to save us any time soon. The saving grace is that we are free to spread good ideas. Good, counter-cultural things happen in small pods all around us.

I appreciate your support and that you took the time to comment. Always great to connect with kindred spirits!

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